
Mastering Sudoku: Using the Notes Feature for WaffleJam Puzzles


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Sudoku has been a beloved puzzle game for decades, captivating the minds of millions with its unique combination of logic and numbers. With the advent of online platforms like WaffleJam Puzzles, the game has taken on a new, arcade-like dimension, making it more accessible and enjoyable for users at all levels around the globe. But one essential tool that can significantly enhance your Sudoku experience is the notes feature. In this article, we will delve into how to effectively use the notes feature to conquer even the most challenging Sudoku puzzles.

Understanding the Notes Feature

The notes feature in Sudoku is akin to creating a rough draft on the puzzle board, allowing you to jot down possible numbers for each cell. This feature is particularly useful for complex puzzles, where keeping track of potential values becomes crucial to making progress.

Using the Notes Feature

When solving Sudoku online, such as on WaffleJam Puzzles, locating the notes feature is the first step. Represented by a small Note mode radio button, this feature enables you to switch between entering actual numbers and adding notes to cells.

It allows players to mark potential numbers in each cell without committing to them as final answers. This feature is especially helpful in complex puzzles where keeping track of possible numbers is crucial. Here's how it typically works:

Notes Mode toggle: WaffleJam lets you switch between a "Notes mode: on" and a "Notes mode: off". In notes mode on, you can enter multiple small numbers in a cell, representing all the possible values that could fit there based on the current state of the game.

Add / remove entry: You can add or remove Notes numbers as you progress through the puzzle by typing or clicking the same number. This process involves deducing which numbers are possible in each cell based on the Sudoku rules.

Auto Clean Out: WaffleJam Sudoku games offer an automatic update feature for notes. When you place an actual number in a cell, the game automatically updates the notes in the other cells, removing that number if it's no longer a valid possibility.

Strategic Tool: Using notes is a strategic tool in Sudoku. It helps in applying advanced solving techniques like 'naked pairs', 'hidden triples', or 'X-Wing', which can be harder to spot without keeping track of potential numbers in each cell.

Clean Interface: Good Sudoku games ensure that the notes are visually distinct from the final numbers, often by making them smaller and fainter, to keep the puzzle easy to read.

Optional Use: While helpful, using notes is entirely optional. Some players prefer the challenge of keeping track of possibilities in their head, especially in simpler puzzles.

Noting Possibilities

Once you've activated the notes feature, you can begin to fill in potential numbers for each cell. Focus on spaces with limited possibilities, and jot down the potential numbers in small, clear notations. This method helps you visualise the available options for each square, eliminating guesswork and ensuring a systematic approach.

Elimination Strategy

As you progress through the puzzle, the notes feature becomes an invaluable tool for elimination. Cross out or remove notes that are no longer viable based on the numbers you've filled in across the board. This step not only streamlines the puzzle but also highlights potential moves that may have been overlooked.

Solving Challenging Puzzles

For advanced Sudoku puzzles, the notes feature is indispensable. By combining logical deductions with the insights gained from your notes, you can tackle intricate patterns and configurations with confidence. As you become more adept at using the notes feature, you'll find yourself solving even the most challenging puzzles with ease.


Mastering the notes feature in Sudoku is a game-changer, especially when navigating the diverse array of puzzles available on platforms like WaffleJam Puzzles. By incorporating this tool into your strategy, you'll enhance your ability to tackle puzzles efficiently, elevating your Sudoku experience to new heights. So, dive into the WaffleJam world of free online Sudoku puzzles, armed with the knowledge of the notes feature, and enjoy the thrill of solving these captivating brainteasers.